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Cartonplast Group – лидер рынка транспортной упаковки многоразового использования. Мы не только обеспечиваем 300 миллионов использований многооборотных разделительных пластин каждый год, но также предлагаем многооборотные пластиковые поддоны, паллетные крышки и разделительные пластины для алюминиевой тары. Познакомьтесь с нашим веб-сайтом и узнайте больше о наших продуктах и услугах.

Июнь 2024
Cartonplast Ibérica extends its collaboration with Vicrila Industrias del Vidrio and Idilia Foods through its pool of plastic pallets
Cartonplast añade sus pallets plásticos al circuito pool CPL- Vicrila - Idilia Foods. Esta colaboracion muestra el compromiso de Cartonplast por seguir ofreciendo a sus clientes soluciones de pool sostenibles, seguras, eficientes e innovadoras.
Март 2024
Cartonplast Ibérica is advancing towards circularity with a specific SIRAP for its sector
Cartonplast Ibérica, a company specialized in the management of reusable transportation packaging, announces the establishment and implementation of a SIRAP (Individual Producer Extended Responsibility System) for industrial circular packaging - specifically interlayers and plastic pallets - aimed particularly at the glass and can production industries for the beverage and food sectors. Thanks to the validation of this SIRAP by the Community of Madrid (Spain), from now on, all reusable packaging placed on the market by Cartonplast Ibérica through it can be recognized by the identifying mark 'Property of Cartonplast Pool'.
Ноябрь 2023
Cartonplast Ibérica recognized by Verallia for its work in sustainability and CSR
Cartonplast Ibérica has been honored with the CSR Commitment Award presented by Verallia Group. The company, specialized in the design and manufacturing of glass packaging, has acknowledged its supplier's commitment to promoting Sustainability during the years 2022 and 2023.
Сент 2023
CPL Ibérica receives the Calculo-Reduzco Seal for its commitment to reducing Carbon Footprint
Cartonplast Ibérica receives the Calculo-Reduzco Seal for its commitment to reducing Carbon Footprint The company has prevented the emission of 90 tons of CO2 annually into the atmosphere during the 2019-2022 period
Сент 2023
Cartonplast UK Expands with Cutting-Edge Rotherham Facility
Cartonplast UK, is thrilled to announce the opening of its state-of-the-art warehouse facility in Rotherham. This strategic expansion signifies Cartonplast UK's commitment to growing its pool in the can pad market and providing unparalleled service to its customers.
Июль 2023
We proudly announce that Cartonplast Holding GmbH, Cartonplast Group GmbH and Cartonplast Polska Sp. z.o.o. have successfully completed the Environmental Certification audits and are now certified as fulfilling the DIN EN ISO 14001: 2015 requirements.



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